Keen to get the cash early on a galloper with massive potential and who I believe is simply better than his rivals, Maotai is a very progressive and talented galloper – if he loads the gates (which has been his downfall) then I’m confident he pings the gates and wins. He is an extremely talented galloper and capable of better achievements than this race. He is unbeaten but has been nominated for quality races and then subsequently failed to load the gates. He won an Ipswich maiden in the manner (and time) of a horse with big ability, nearly breaking 34 seconds for the last 600m and looked to have plenty in reserve.  He is the one to beat here early and very keen he can win.


Has simply had no luck in Queensland, mainly due to wide gates. He was already in the black book from his torrid run at the Gold Coast two starts ago and then lost no admirers when wide and fifth last start at Eagle Farm behind Spirit Ridge n the Premiers Cup. From the better draw, he will still likely sit back near the rear, but will be coming home hard. The bottom line is he’s hard zero luck in Queensland and I can’t see how he’s not ultra-competitive here. He will be in the finish,


In the blackbook from his last run a fortnight ago, Victorm now aims up at the G1 Stradbroke and is a key hope. He ran well behind Vega One in the Kingsford Smith Cup but his run was full of merit. Victorem has only had two runs since March and should be ready to peak in the Stradbroke. He has drawn well to get an economical run and peel out late and finish strong.